AllReceipts™ is a FREE Digital Receipt SolutionAllReceipts™ is a FREE Digital Receipt Solution from the leading POS and customer engagement technology
AllReceipts™ is a FREE Digital Receipt Solution
AllReceipts™ is a FREE Digital Receipt Solution from the leading POS and customer engagement technology manufacturer, Star Micronics!
AllReceipts is a cloud-based digital receipt solution enabling customers the ability to store and manage receipts digitally. Printed receipts are valuable for in-store security, warranty claims, processing returns, expense claims, and many more. With Star Micronics AllReceipts app, you can now save all your receipts on a mobile device.
With the option of organizing or searching by “date or retailer” of choice, you can finally stop spending endless hours managing paper receipts in your wallet. To claim your digital receipts, simply scan the QR code located on the bottom of the receipt from a participating AllReceipts retailer.
AllReceipts Digital Receipt Solution Key Factors
- No Email Address Required
- No Personal Phone Number Required
- No Unwanted Spam
- Receipts Filed By Date or Retailer
- Valuable Source for Lost or Forgotten Printed Receipts
- Digital Receipt Can Be Saved on User’s Preferred Mobile Device
Be sure to complete your brief customer survey at the end of claiming your receipt, allowing retailers to know your satisfaction level with their service.
For further information, please visit
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Terms and conditions of use:
End User License Agreement: